Why The Name Change?
I have combined Hillsdale Web Design, Hillsdale Marketing Group, and HMG Marketing & Web Design (HMG) and am now doing business as one organization under my LLC, A. Honey Creations.
It's always a good idea to rebrand if your company has experienced a significant change. And I’ve had my fair share of changes these past nine years!
I started A. Honey Creations, LLC, in 2014, while I was teaching myself about digital marketing and web design, still working at Current Office Solutions at the time. In 2016, while working at Stockhouse, I started operating under a DBA at Hillsdale Web Design. I needed to build my brand as a web design company and reposition myself as such rather than just a graphic designer and printer. In 2018, I started Hillsdale Marketing Group so that other Freelancers could join and network with each other operating under one organization. But I didn’t foresee the confusion it would cause with Hillsdale Media Group, so we changed the name to HMG Marketing & Web Design Company, or HMG for short. Things were going well! For four years, HMG was moving in the right direction.
Around July 2022, however, I started to experience health problems. Not anything you’d generally think of, but dealing with stress and anxiety. I experienced the loss of my grandma several months prior, which affected me in ways I’d never experienced before. My children cried out for my time and attention because I was never mentally present. My husband missed his wife. Starting up a small business without any resources whatsoever is very time-consuming and stressful all by itself. I’d work well over 40 hours weekly, nights and weekends, and when I was present, I wasn’t. So I knew something had to change. There were a few other things that took place in my personal life that I’m just not comfortable with talking about, fairly traumatic, that were also happening that last year.
I prepared my contractors for the possibility of significant change. Then late summer/early fall came in 2022, and my kids needed me! My oldest was out skateboarding on an electric skateboard without a helmet and fractured his skull. The very next day, my youngest had a seizure. Both are doing very well now and do not have anything to worry about, but I spent the next two months at doctor’s visits with my boys. I also started to lose my hair! The pain in my jaw from my TMJ got too much, and I also saw doctors regularly.
I could no longer focus on HMG as I was before, for a good reason! I took a week off work. I slept, read books, and took bubble baths–it was great! I reconnected with myself and what I wanted out of life. And I came to terms with the fact that right now is not the time for me to try to build a more significant business with employees. My focus right now is to do still what I love, design and helping customers, but also to be the best mom I can be, care for and love my husband and family, take time for myself, and be present in my children’s lives more often!
How Will This Change Affect You?
I LOVE designing, providing exceptional customer support, and creating marketing solutions that work. And that won't change. But I need to offer my services differently. A way that can allow me to work reasonable hours, not have to go out and get a business loan to operate, and focus on what services make the best sense for everyone! So, I’m dropping the DBAs and just sticking with my LLC, A. Honey Creations. I no longer have contractors. I will forever be grateful to those who came along with me on my journey! Thank you to Sarah Gray, Connie Sexton, Christine Bowman, Tim Bowman, Robyn Jones, Andrew Stella, and Anne Brenner–I love each of you!
It’s a new year, a new focus, and a somewhat new name! I’m still here, and I’m still offering all the same products and services, just in a way that will benefit you, my customer, and allow me to provide those solutions in the best way I can! The best part is I get to let myself shine! With HMG, I wanted to focus on the organization as a group and didn’t allow myself to take over its personality. It had a core value, a mission, and a philosophy that I, of course, loved, but it was designed to include multiple freelancers.
My Mission & Vision
My mission and vision are to create award-winning websites with premium content, UX design, and SEO to help businesses rank high on search engines and meet ROI goals. My clients will work with someone who understands their needs and is there for them whenever needed.
My goal through A. Honey Creations’ is to “Manage digital marketing campaigns from start to finish successfully using SEO, content writing, exceptional design, social media and Google marketing, target email campaigns, and printing solutions. Marketing campaigns will shine with award-winning websites, professional methods, and proven ROI!” My tagline is, “Now that's how you market a website!” You’ll notice that my colors and fonts haven’t changed, and my logo has only changed a little. I love them. Plus, you all know me as the owner anyway. It’s not like HMG was some sizable corporate company where no one knew the owner’s name! So it works perfectly.
While I have a different focus, my mission is to provide the best solutions for my clients. We will review any changes together before your renewal. In addition, I will be taking on fewer clients, which will open me up to focus on my existing ones! I want to communicate with you often and be more available!
My Products & Services
I manage traditional and digital marketing campaigns from start to finish successfully using:
Content writing
Exceptional design
Social media and Google marketing
Target email campaign solutions
Printing solutions
Your campaigns will shine with award-winning websites, professional methods, and proven ROI!
What's Next?
In the next few months, you’ll notice my visual marketing materials, social channels, and website changing with the new logo, mission, products, services, etc. I will change my email to include @ahoneycreations.com and forward all of my emails to that email. I will also forward all of my domains to ahoneycreations.com.
As for what you can expect next, I’ll connect with you before your renewal to ensure you are comfortable with your account's service/product change. I don’t want anyone to worry. Things are changing, but it's to focus on what matters most, personally and business-wise! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! If you’re worried about what the future holds for your business, please don’t lose faith in me! We will work it out together, I promise.
Take care, and talk soon!
Amanda Honeywell "A. Honey"
Multimedia Content Creator and Digital Marketing Strategist
Phone 517-320-2543
Email ahoney@hmgroupmi.com
PO Box 112, Hillsdale, MI 49242